
Job Hunting

Job Hunting, Letters, Resume Writing

How To Write a Professional Cover Letter in 2023

A professional cover letter is a document that is typically sent along with a resume or job application.  The main purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and explain why you are qualified for the position you are applying for. Keep your resume fresh and up to date, and your cover letter strong. Cover Letter 2023: Best Practices When it comes to job hunting, your cover letter is your first impression. It’s important to make sure that your cover letter is professional and polished, so that you can make the best possible impression on potential employers. Here are…

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Career, Career Switch, Job Hunting, Resume Writing

GetSetResumes – Transition Better!

GetSetResumes was born in early 2011 when our market research threw open data on how dissatisfied clients were with the then service providers. When we started, we branded ourselves as pure Resume Writers with a horse’s vision, 100% focus on the resume. Hence the name “Get Set Resumes” was taken. Gradually we expanded our horizons and started helping clients with more services. Services like Essays, Recommendation Letters, SOPs, Award Citations, Biographies and even PPTs. At one point, we were also doing Mock Interview preparations! By 2022, as we came out of the Covid storm, we realised that our vision had…

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Career, Career Switch, Job Hunting, Work Life Balance

Seven of the Best Jobs for Early Retirement

We all aspire to retire early at some point in our lives, whether we love our jobs or feel burnt out. Depending on your benefits or salary, you can explore that option with different careers. More importantly, you don’t need a six-figure salary to achieve this. Some jobs offer career benefits that can help you to retire early. In this article, we will show you some of those careers you can consider for early retirement. Psychologist A psychologist is a healthcare provider who specializes in mental health. They must treat mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress. They diagnose the patient and develop…

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Career, Job Hunting, LinkedIn, Social Media, Trends

LinkedIn Profile Tips That Will Help You Stand Out

In today’s fast-paced modern life, there are numerous potential job seekers in the market striving for new jobs and posts. Creating a LinkedIn profile helps you get an edge as compared to your competitors and paves your way to getting hired for your dream job. There are multiple sources used by recruiters for hiring the right candidates but LinkedIn remains their top preference to date. The LinkedIn platform helps you build valuable connections and grow your career. It is a professional networking site and not only a job board, which not only helps you acquire jobs but also aids in…

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Graduate Resumes, Immigration, Job Hunting

How to prepare for IELTS if you are planning to study or work in Canada

Canada is considered one of the best countries, and IELTS can help you go there. If you intend to study in Canada at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, you will very certainly be required to submit your IELTS score as part of your application. Apart from preparing for IELTS, you also require a perfect resume to help you in your future endeavours. Most of us know that IELTS is one of the world’s most popular English language tests. Every year almost or perhaps more than 3.5 million tests are taken. Before going further, it is also important to know what the…

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Career, Career Switch, Job Hunting, Resume Writing

How to Break into a New Work Field

A well-written resume and cover letter need to be more than a concise summary of your work experiences and instructional background. Whoever reads your resume needs to come away with an overarching sense of your development, your aspiration, and your ability to adapt to new environments and circumstances. If you do not have a great deal of work experience or if the work experience you have does not seem to appear pertinent to the task you are looking for, there is another angle to consider taking when writing your resume – highlight your intellectual interest and your ability at acquiring…

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Career, Career Switch, Job Hunting, Work & Health

Thinking of a Covid-inspired Career Change? You’re not Alone.

This is a guest post by Rama Eriksson from FindCourses Maybe you’re stuck in a job that just isn’t you. Possibly, you feel unfilled (or fed up!) from years spent in the same profession and crave something new.  You might even be looking for a way to boost your paycheck or lower your stress. There are many reasons behind wanting a career change. The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have stirred people’s  “what am I doing with my life” angst.  If you’ve been flirting with the idea of a career change this past year, you’re not alone. According to a survey…

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Job Hunting, Resume Writing

What is an ATS and is it important? Read the truth about ATS Resumes.

Over the years, we’ve seen a great many questions posed by job candidates about Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and erroneous beliefs as to how ATS actually work, how they review and qualify candidates, and what benefits they provide to both the candidate and the employer. Let’s take a look at some basics every job applicant should understand and then clear up some assumptions and misinformation about this very important component to the job application process. What is an ATS? Simply put, an ATS is an online software application that accepts and stores information that job…

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Career, Job Hunting, Work from Home

Job Outlook for 2021 – Post Covid

Everything was passing pretty good, the world was growing, the underdeveloped countries were developing , the employment was accelerating but then there came the havoc of CoronaVirus and the blooming dreams flipped upside down. Talking about India, 86% of the population faced job uncertainties. Whereas in Britain, Australia and the US this percentage is 33, 41 and 71 respectively. However, the economies of the globe are slowly struggling to switch back on the track. But, saying anything about stability as of now is really difficult. The minor sign of relief is that in the current times of pandemic a few sectors…

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Career, Job Hunting, Resume Writing, Women Careers

How Mathematics can help you climb the Ladder of Success

MATHEMATICS – It is the only subject that remains with us through our entire life. A person may not have an education in English, Science, History, Geography etc. but still holds knowledge in basic Mathematics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Mathematics plays both the role of a hero as well as a villain not only in student but also in college life. If we can grab the depth and concepts of math, we find it like an easy game and all our math sums and problems start giving acute solutions. But if we are unable to grasp math,…

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