

Career, LinkedIn

DIY Guide to Writing LinkedIn Profiles in 2015 – Part 2

Updating your LinkedIn In the previous article, we talked about how you can create a LinkedIn profile on your own by following a simple series of steps. Creating an account on any social networking site is easy. Knowing what to do with it and how to use it to your advantage is a bit of a tough task; not everyone is an expert at using social media. To help you out in doing the same, we will be reflecting on how you can update your LinkedIn to make it look more professional and eye-catchy within this article. As per certain surveys,…

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Career, Resume Writing

Frame your Resume – the Napoleon Hill way

Napoleon Hill is considered to be one of the pioneer writers of personal-success literature. He was one of the earliest proponents of philosophy-of-success and his book, Think and Grow Rich testifies his authority on the subject. Advocates of personal development refer to his book as a bible and his groundbreaking formulae are still applied by students and aspiring professionals. His works are still subjected to a lot of researches and it has been found that several theories propounded by him can be applied today. His concepts centering on resume writing are relevant today which we will elaborate here. Resume Writing – Napoleon…

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Career, Career Break, Interviews

Best Job Search Practices & Strategies

Finding a job is tough. Finding one which matches your potential is even tougher. While getting a job which matches your talent with the job proposal is exciting, jumping on to a job in a hurry can also be a fatal mistake. A blind job find will simply have you land nowhere. If you are not following the perfect job finding strategy then you would not be able to stand before the right employer. An apt job finding stratagem refers to some fixed steps leading to an ideal job. For instance, if you are a creative writer and you are opting…

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Career, Interviews, Resume Writing, Video Resume

Video Resumes in India

I was recently approached with the idea of Video Resume implementation in India. Now this concept has gained a lot of ground in the western countries, especially the US and people are beginning to explore this new form of resume. But when it comes to India, I have my doubts. Below I have tried to put down some points which struck me while I was pondering over the thought of venturing into it. Some of them were discussed with HRs in leading organizations. But first of all, what is a video resume? A video resume is your resume recorded on…

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Career, Interviews

Learn to Negotiate a Salary

You’ve appeared for all the stages of your interview and all seems to have gone down well. What remains now is the final call from the HR and that most important question which puts every candidate in an anxious position, “What are you expecting”. Giving the HR a salary figure or negotiating it is perhaps the most vital component of the interview process from the candidate’s perspective. As much as a good interview matters to the employer, a good hike from the previous salary matters to the prospective employee. But the negotiation always starts from the employee’s end. You might…

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Career, Trends

India Employment Trends and Outlook – 2012

According to the 2012 Employment Survey by well-known HR Services firm Ma Fio Randstad, the sectors publishing most jobs in the country in 2012 are Healthcare, Hospitality and IT/ITeS. These three sectors will together create more than 7.31 lakh new jobs in the country, out of the total 1.6 million new jobs estimated to be created in the organized sector this year. The exact breakup of the top 3 sectors is as follows: Healthcare (273,571 jobs), Hospitality (230,213 jobs) and IT/ITES (227,328 jobs). Apart from these, the other sectors optimistic about hiring in the year 2012 are Non-machinery Manufacturing (such…

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Career, Interviews

Control your Interview

While your resume will surely get you your much anticipated interview call, how you conduct yourself in front of your interviewer is the key to getting yourself selected as an employee. A standard interview panel will generally be a single person from the very team you are going to work for; at times there may be two. The interview can be approached in two ways – aggressively or defensively. A defensive approach would be to sit and wait for each question and reply to what is asked. If you are well versed with your subjects and you think you know the answers to…

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Career, SOP

Writing a good Statement of Purpose

The question you should ask yourself before you begin writing your SOP or Essay is, “What is your college looking for”? More specifically, how is the admission committee going to select some and reject other candidates on the basis of this essay! From the hundreds of applications received, only a few will make through to the actual course. These few will comprise an elite mix of students who come from varied backgrounds and bring some form of talent to the class. Then, the main purpose of your essay becomes to portray yourself as a unique individual with some kind of…

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Career, Interviews

Questions for your Interviewer

How serious you are for a job can be best gauged by your level of curiosity for it. This is understandable as when one seriously pursues something, be it a car or a girl, the first step is taken in the direction of knowing everything about it, i.e. the curiosity. For a job it is no different. Almost always, you will come across the question by the employer asking you “Do you have any questions for me?” Answering in the negative will in all probability be taken undesirably and may result in no further communication from the employer.  So you better…

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