
Job Hunting

Career, Interviews, Job Hunting

11 things you should avoid saying at a job interview

When you land up the job interview that you’ve been pining for a really long time, your happiness knows no bounds. However, you need to prepare yourself well enough for what’s in store. Not only this, you also need to understand as to what needs to be said and what should be left unsaid during your interview. There are a few things which do not need to be mentioned at the interview. So much so that some of these things may even cost you that dream job of yours. You need to impress the interviewer with your personality, the skills…

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Job Hunting, Resume Writing

10 Things You Must Keep Off your resume

When you are looking for a job, the most important piece of information is your resume. It is the resume that helps you get a job. It’s the decider as to whether you are fit for a particular job or not. It is the ultimate document which determines whether you will be selected for a particular job or will you need to go to a few more job search sites and test your fate. While the resume needs to have all the information which may help you in landing your dream job, there are certain things you should ensure are…

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Graduate Resumes, Job Hunting, Resume Writing

Draft the Perfect Resume for a Startup Job

Start-ups are the new rage of the present day just like internet companies were over a decade ago. So much so that in the past few years, the start-up industry has even seemed to explode. Each day, a new start-up emerges, creating a myriad of job opportunities for the very talented bunch of candidates that are out there. While there are an array of positions in these start-ups waiting to be filled, it is often a big deal to land an interview with any of the start-ups.  Mostly because these companies may or may not hire through conventional channels. At more prominent…

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Career Break, Job Hunting, Resume Writing

Writing a Resume after a Career Break

Maternity leaves have been in the limelight for quite some time. So much so that a six months’ maternity leave has been passed in the Rajya Sabha. Now, it has become mandatory for all offices in both public as well as private sectors for granting a half a years’ maternity to women who have been expecting. However, some women decide to put on their mom shoes and take time off from work for a good twelve months or even over a year at times. While some employers understand the time off was for a reason and are happy to offer…

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Career Switch, Job Hunting, Resume Writing

Writing a Resume in case of Career Switch (Part 2)

Continued from the first part of the series: Writing a Resume in case of Career Switch (Part 1) Case 2: Same industry/company, different vertical/functional area, like a Content Writer for a Resume Writing Company to a Business Development Executive in a Resume Writing Company This transition is a little tricky, but again, a little effort and persistence on your part will reap you rich rewards later on. In this scenario, I assume myself as a Content Writer for a Resume Writing Company at present, wishing to apply for a Business Development role in another company that also happens to be into the business of writing resumes. While being fully…

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Communication, Job Hunting, Letters

Emails – Are you sending the right message?

  Emails are an integral part of any business conversation these days. They contain within them the power to make or break your perceived personality in the workplace. Not to mention, how you communicate without seeing the person face to face, or without actually talking to them depicts a lot about you. “There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.” – Dale Carnegie, American Educator (1888 – 1955) (Sourced…

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Career, Job Hunting

Chasing Your Dreams or Toiling For Money?

A question that often troubles freshly graduated candidates or first time job hunters is whether one should pursue their passion or should they run after a job with a regular pay check? Most people I have talked to (especially in India) have (more often than not) preferred the latter over the former. The reason – many consider that following your passion is foolhardy – since the passion (or your interest, as I put it) is nothing but a waste of time, and doesn’t guarantee financial stability (which, believe me, is a tremendously huge preference for most of us Indians). But…

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Career, Career Break, Interviews, Job Hunting

Career Planning – Doing it Right

Career Planning – a phrase that leaves both freshmen as well as professionals pondering over the implications that ensue. Every day, a large number of people either decide their career path or choose to change it, most of it done in an impulse or through a surge of adrenaline. As an individual, it is important to determine which career is right for you, and also to discover a common ground between your career choices and your skills and personal interests, without hampering your professional or personal growth. This is where planning your career comes to play. Keeping aside all hefty…

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Career, Job Hunting

18 Tips for Career Planning

“Career planning is a lifelong process…” What do you want to do in life? Where do you want to be? What kind of a job do you want to do? These are the kind of questions which trouble us the most, especially at the outset of our professional careers. But if we keep in mind a few simple points, career planning becomes a not so difficult task. Below are some tips that can help you in your career planning process: 1. Do what you enjoy First, sketch out a list of your abilities and acquired knowledge. Then categorize them into…

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